选择区域/City: 北京/Beijing
房源描述/Apartment Features
  • Project Name: Upper East Side/阳光上东
  • Property Code: AN130225A
  • District: Lido Area/丽都
  • Location:
  • Nature: Apartment Rental 公寓租赁
  • Area: 89m²
  • No. of BR: 1BR
  • Direction: 东南
  • Floor: 8
  • Decoration: 精装修
  • Rent: ¥13k/m
楼盘描述/Estate description

Upper East Side  Apartment 阳光上东
Lido area.About 7 minutes walking to subway station Dongfengbeiqiao (Line 14) and Jiangtai subway station, About 5 minutes walking to Indigo shopping mall from phase 2 of Upper east side. Beside 4th ring road. 5minutes drive to lufthansa area.
Upper East Side is located close to Northeast 4th Ring Road.  It is divided into A, B, C zones. Zone A is commercial area and zone B has high-rise buildings. Zone C is residential groups with neighboring layout. Upper East Side has 4 phases in total. PhaseⅠoffers in total 1032 units. PhaseⅡis American Group and Australia Group, it has 1451 units. Phase Ⅲ is Spanish Group, it offers around 1800 units. Phase Ⅳ is Denmark Group.  East Garden(Binhe Garden) is a separate compound with 2 high-rise buildings and several low-rise buildings.
阳光上东位于北京东北方向,上东区核心位置,总占地面积47.53公顷,总建筑面积72万平米。阳光上东周边路网发达:东四环路、霄云路、亮马河路等多条交通干线提供了到达市中心的方便通路;经由机场高速路和机场辅路,30分钟车程即可到达首都国际机场。 阳光上东由10个不同风格的建筑组团组成,多层、小高层、高层等形态各异的建筑分布其间。组团之间相互联系又各自独立,巧妙地构成多层次、多元化的空间组织,创造出可持续发展的、人性化的、适于生活和交流的国际化社区环境。阳光上东拥有得天独厚的自然环境:四环路绿化带环绕,京城主要景观水系之一坝河近在咫尺,亚洲最大的城市公园朝阳公园、京润水上花园别墅巨大绿化区、四得公园、丽都公园隔路相望。

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